Thirty-one states have mandatory retirement age laws—but not California.
It's time to retire.
Thirty-one states have mandatory retirement age laws—but not California.
Thirty-one states have mandatory retirement age laws—but not California.
Thirty-one states have mandatory retirement age laws—but not California.
This has nothing to do with elephants or donkeys. Let's get our initiative to limit the age of California's politicians to 75 on the November 2024 ballot.
Let's raise funds, run ads, walk door-to-door, and get the word out that Californians are tired of politicians who cling to power at any cost.
There are few issues that unite Californians of all political persuasions. When we come together for a good cause, we win.
And it costs money to do politics, sadly. 100% of your donations will go toward getting this initiative on the ballot — and winning.
Why are you so obsessed? Fan behavior.
We would love to hear from you, probably.
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